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hibiscus flowers中文是什么意思

用"hibiscus flowers"造句"hibiscus flowers"怎么读"hibiscus flowers" in a sentence


  • 洛神花


  • For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses
  • For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses
  • For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses
  • For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses
  • For his first meal after having his feeding tube removed , bob gobbled up hibiscus flowers and roses
  • One of the world ' s oldest living animals , harriet the tortoise , celebrated her 175th birthday on tuesday - with a pink hibiscus flower cake at her retirement home in northern australia
    “退休”前哈里特曾在澳大利亚动物园里度过了17年时光。 “退休”后,它就“居住”在澳大利亚北部的一所房子里。
  • One of the world ' s oldest living animals , harriet the tortoise , celebrated her 175th birthday on tuesday - - with a pink hibiscus flower cake at her retirement home in northern australia
    一只名叫哈里特的体态巨大的加拉帕戈斯陆龟是世界上现存的最长寿的动物之一。 11月15日,哈里特在澳大利亚北部它“退休”后的居所迎来了自己175岁的生日。
  • From the poem of the five chapter of the novel to the invention of goddess of hibiscus flower , it recorded the virginal characteristics of qing - wen , but her behavior lacked of goodness and respect
  • Company mainly handles iqf and dehydrated vegetables and fruits such as : iqf pea pods , green beans , soy beans , snap pea , broccoli cauliflower , water chestnut , mushroom , black fungus , bamboo shoots , shiitake , white green asparagus , lotus foot , binlang taro , beans sprout , green red carrots , okra , arbutus , lychee , longan , ginger , dehydrated mushroom slices and chinese hibiscus flower , and also some salted vegetables
用"hibiscus flowers"造句  
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